
• ISHVAC (the International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning ) is first launched by Tsinghua University in 1991 which is a very influential international meeting in the international and domestic HVAC industry.
• In the past ISHVAC got support and sponsorship from international and domestic societies and associations, such as IIR (International Institute of Refrigeration ), WRO (Word Energy Organization), ASHRAE(American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers), CAR (Chinese Refrigeration Association), CBA-HVAC (Chinese Building Association-Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning), CAIEH (Chinese Association of Indoor Environment and Health), NHVAEA (Nordic Heating, Ventilation and Sanitary Engineering Association), JACHA(Japanese Air Conditioning and Health Association), and SKIEA(South Korea Indoor Environment Association)
• ISHVAC has been successfully hosted six times, which was held every four years from 1991 to 2007. From the year 2007, the scientific committee decided to change into every two years. Each session of ISHAVC is hosted by one of the domestic universities and co-organized by Tsinghua University to integrate domestic university resources and to improve the level and quality of this international conference.
• In the following map, it can be seen that ISHVAC had been hosted in Beijing, Shenzhen, and Nanjing. In 2011, it will be hosted in Shanghai, the biggest city of China, and be organized by Tongji University. So, welcome to ISHVAC 2011, and welcome to Tongji University, Shanghai.

• 国际供暖、通风与空调学术会议是1991年由清华大学发起的一个在国际国内暖通界非常有影响力的国际会议。
• 历次会议得到了包括国际制冷学会,世界能源组织,美国采暖、制冷与空调工程师协会,中国制冷学会,中国建筑协会采暖通风和空调委员会,中国室内环境与健康协会,北欧采暖、通风和卫生工程协会,日本空调和卫生工学会以及韩国室内环境学会等诸多国内、国外有重大影响学会或协会的支持和赞助。
• ISHVAC 已成功举办了六届,从1991年到2007年每四年举办一次,从2007年开始,为了整合国内各大高校资源,进一步提高该会议的水平和质量,暖通空调国际会议学术委员会决定将此系列国际会议改为各大高校主办,清华大学协办,每两年举办一次。
• ISHVAC 分别在北京、深圳和南京举办过。2011年ISHVAC将来到上海—中国最大的城市,本届ISHVAC将由同济大学主办。欢迎您参加2011年第七届ISHVAC大会,欢迎您来到上海,来到同济大学。



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