09:30-09:40 开场致辞-Julia Evans, BSRIA CEO BSRIA 首席执行官
09:40-10:05 全球暖通空调市场趋势 - 于志慧, BSRIA 亚太区总经理
10:05-10:30 中国制冷市场介绍 - 李春雷 , BSRIA 亚太区副总经理
10:30-10:55 智能能源以及智能楼宇控制 - 初琦,BSRIA国际市场咨询顾问
在互联网思维驱动的大背景下,空调、采暖、楼宇自控等行业的企业将面临哪些挑战?企业该如何改变商业模式进行应对?智能技术和大数据对产品将产生哪些影 响?服务将以什么样的速度进入‘云端’,同时又会有哪些挑战?这些影响在老建筑、改建建筑中将如何体现?智能革命将何时到来?
10:55-11:20 2030和未来市场前瞻 –于志慧,BSRIA亚太区总经理
驱动降低能源消耗的因素有哪些?这些因素将如何影响技术的发展 ?到2030年哪些产品将是增长最快的?- 都会是即插即用型吗?如果将他们加入系统工程软件中会有附加值吗?谁会是获胜者呢?
11:20-11:30 总结-Julia Evans, BSRIA CEO BSRIA 首席执行官

13:30-13:40 Welcome - Julia Evans, BSRIA CEO
13:40-14:10 Global HVAC Market and Trend – Gambi Chiang, Senior Manager of Special Projects
Using the latest data, BSRIA will highlight where the global hot spots are located and how the economic climate is affecting the market. Identify the latest trends and product shifts for Central Plant and Packaged Air Conditioning, what are the drivers, what are the forecasts for global growth. Where are the opportunities for growth? What is the trend of refrigerants and how will they impact the air conditioning and refrigeration markets? How do recent jvs and mergers change the market picture? How will the compressor market change?
14:10-14:40   China Refrigeration Market - Martin Li ,BSRIA Deputy GM of BSRIA China
Systematically introduce china refrigeration market, including but not limited to compressor, packs, evaporator units, cold room/stores, refrigerated vehicles and etc.
14:40-15:10 Smart Energy, Intelligent Control & 2030 Beyond - Gambi Chiang, Senior Manager of Special Projects
What are the new challenges for heating, air conditioning and automation companies as homes and buildings become increasingly connected and we move towards the Internet of Everything? How are new entrants and existing companies changing the business model? What impact will smart technologies, analytics and big data have on the products supplied? How quickly are services moving into the cloud and what is the cybersecurity threat? How can this all be applied to retrofit the aging building stock and accommodate the growth in decentralized energy generation and storage? Just how far is the smart revolution headed?
15:20-15:30 Conclusion - Julia Evans, BSRIA CEO
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