1994年格兰富进入中国市场,建立格兰富水泵(上海)有限公司,为丹麦格兰富在中国地区的总公司。此外在中国还设有1个投资控股公司、1个营销公司、 15个办事处、4个生产厂、1个研发中心、1600多名雇员,年营业额接近19亿元人民币,产品广泛应用在建筑、工业、基础设施建设、区域供热、污水处理等多个领域。除中国大陆市场外,格兰富中国总公司还负责香港和蒙古市场。
ThermosmarT混水机组采用结构紧凑的一体化设计理念,可使用户享受到作为整; 机购买的一大优势:单一供应商格兰富将对系统整机全面负责。
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混合回路在供暖系统中的应用(PDF下载) | Thermosmart数据手册(PDF下载) |
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MAGNA3水泵(PDF下载) |
1. 产品说明
格兰富MAGNA3 循环泵为下列系统中的介质循环而设计:
• 供暖系统
• 空调与制冷系统
• 家用热水系统
• 地源热泵系统
• 太阳能光热系统
• 低能耗。所有MAGNA3 循环泵能耗均符合欧洲EuP 2015 指令的要求
• AUTOADAPT 自适应功能确保节能
• FLOWADAPT 流量自适应功能融合了著名的AUTOADAPT 自适应控制以及新的FLOWLIMIT 限流量控制功能
• 内置格兰富差压和温度传感器
• 安全选项
• 安装简便
• 免维护,长寿命
• TFT 彩色液晶显示操作界面
• 操作按键通俗易懂,按键由高品质有机硅材料制成
• 运行历史记录
• 系统优化简单
• 热能仪功能
• 多泵功能
• 可通过添加内置模块实现外部远程监控
• 包含满足16 bar 承压需求的产品系列
• 循环主泵
• 混水回路
• 家用热水系统
• 表面加热
• 空调表冷
MAGNA3 泵特别适合需要不断改变水泵运行点以节约能耗的变流量控制供暖系统。该泵也适合家用热水系统。
MAGNA3 当然也适合新设计的系统,如果系统需要对循环流量进行不间断的自动调节以匹配实际供暖/ 供冷需求。有了MAGNA3,您可大大减少旁路阀或其它类似器的使用。
另外,MAGNA3 还适合例如太阳能光热系统这种需要介质温度触发,以便让系统立即运行到最大速度以快速提供热水的应用。
Briefly introduce Grundfos and the aim of this event is to provide an open, fair contest to all the stakeholders in the DE industry. Encourage them to further know about the high efficient, smart new product and new technology in the DE industry and give them a good chance to show their talents in the practice.
组别 Award categories |
参赛对象Applicants |
应用内容Requirements |
设计院工程师组 Designer team |
国内设计院暖通空调工程师;院校设计院相关专业的教师 Designers from domestic DE and HAVC institutes, and teachers from the relative college design institutes. |
在参赛项目中设计应用格兰富的ThermosmarT混水机组,和Magana3产品。 The designers need to know about the Grundfos TT and Magna3 products and apply these products into their projects correctly. |
应用经销商组 Dealer team |
格兰富集中供热/供冷产品经销商工程师 Grundfos local dealers |
在参赛项目中应用格兰富的ThermosmarT混水机组,和Magana3产品。 All the entries must apply The TT or Magna3 products in their projects |
应用企业组 Project owner team |
国内格兰富集中供热制冷产品应用企业 Project owners who bought and applied Grundfos products in DH or DC projects. |
在参赛项目中应用格兰富的ThermosmarT混水机组,和Magna3产品。 All the entries must apply The TT or Magna3 products in their projects |
The contest requires all entries should apply the Grundfos TT or Magna3 products in their projects correctly. And requires them should concerns about the energy efficiency of the projects, the comfort of the end-users and the intelligence of the system with Grundfos TT or magna3 products at the same time.
The contest requires all the entries should be real projects and the participants can submit multi projects match the requirements.
1.第一届格兰富杯区域能源产品应用大赛登记表 ,点击下载 Contest Registry Form,click for downloading
2.项目设计相关文件:图纸(施工图白图或电子图纸),项目的文字介绍篇幅3000字,设计参数、设计方法、创新点、对用户的改善,已应用项目应附有设备布置示意图或实景彩照。All entries must submit the project design related documents incl. drawings, project introductions maximum of 3000 words, design parameters, approaches, innovations brought in, tangible and intangible benefits for clients envisaged with a list of key performance indicators, photographs of equipment layouts.
Notes: The documents should come from real projects and reflect the real system. The description of projects should contain the basic information of the projects such as load, floor area, COP etc. All data or parameters of the documents should be accurate.
Online submission
1.通过Email提交, 单个邮件大小不超过10M。投稿邮箱; decompetition-cn@grundfos.com。Through the email to submit all the required documents, the maximum size of each email should be limited within10M.
Duly filled the application form and submit both the copy and electronic version to the contest committee.
The participants can submit multiple entries in different registry forms.
3.截稿日期: 2014年12月31日 Closing date 12-31-2014
More information can visit the Grundfos China website and China Weibo.
Project evaluation criteria and weight
The pre-requisite is that all entries should be the real projects and Grundfos TT or Magna3 products should be applied in the projects.
2. 参赛项目必须是可行适用的项目(30%)
All entries must be the feasible projects. 30%
3.系统节能和环保(30%)Energy saving and environment protection 30%
4.创新性和开拓性(40%)Innovation and pioneering 40%
Participants Declarations
The organizer -GCH −(“Organizer”) reserves the right of final interpretation of all matters relating to The 1st Grundfos Cup Contest (“Contest”).
Participant represents and warrants that he or she has no involvement in procurement-related responsibilities for his or her company or organization.
All drawings, project solutions and any related material submitted with participant’s application become the property of the Organizer and will not be returned, irrespective of whether its application is accepted or not, and participant has no objection to this material being used for any promotional purposes in the context of the Competition. However, the Organizer shall not provide such material to any other entity which has no relationship to the Contest without the agreement of participants.
All material such as floor plans, drawings, photographs, design-related documents and any other document submitted as part of participant’s application for the Contest are submitted with the full consent of the individual participant’s employer, the project owners and all other parties related to the project.
Any material submitted by the participant is not confidential to it or any third party. Accordingly, no obligation of any kind is assumed by or to be implied against the Organizer by virtue of any material received (in whatever form or whenever received) from participant.
Participants represent and warrant that the project applications submitted are participants’ original, sole works. To the extent the application incorporates a third party’s works, participants represent and warrant that they have permission from those third parties to use the works in the Contest. Participant further represents and warrants that the project applications and the use by the Organizer do not and shall not infringe upon or violate any intellectual property rights or other rights of any third party.
Participants’ submission of the project applications shall be deemed as authorizing the Organizer to: (1) subject to the agreement of participants, amend or edit in other ways the project application or any elements; and (2) reproduce or publish the project applications.
By participating in the Contest, participants agree to release and hold harmless the Organizer and its affiliates from and against any claim or cause of action arising out of participation in the Competition, or receipt or use of any prize.
By entering the Contest, participants explicitly consent to the Organizer’s processing, storing and otherwise using participants’ personal information submitted to the Organizer, including names, mailing addresses, phone numbers and email addresses.
All taxes imposed on the prize are the sole responsibility of the prize recipient.
1.评审委员会 Judges Panel
Invite the professors and experts from famous HAVC and DE designing institutes, Chief engineers from Grundfos and other famous experts from related associates.
2.评审结果 Release the result.
评审结果将于2015年3月发布,届时要求获奖选手赴格兰富上海概念店(闸北区万荣路700号大宁中心广场C3栋)CONCEPT STORE参加颁奖大会。
The contest result will be released in March 2015. The winners will be invited to the Grundfos China Concept Store located in Shanghai. Details refer to below map.
1.设计院工程师组 Designer team |
奖项 Awards |
奖品Prizes |
评分要求Requirements in products. |
格兰富碳能效设计奖 Grundfos’ low carbon designers |
10名奖励价值1000元奖品 10 winners, each winner can get prize or souvenir cost 1000 rmb in value, and Grundfos low carbon designer honored titles. |
所设计项目真实且应用ThermosmarT或Magna3产品,项目应能满足低碳节能标准, The entries should realize the high energy efficiency and low energy consumption, and TT or Magna3 need to be designed into the system. |
格兰富最佳系统创新设计奖 Grundfos’ application innovators |
5名奖励价值5000元奖品 5winners, each winner can getprizeor souvenir cost 5000rmb, and get Grundfos application innovator honored titles. |
所设计项目应用ThermosmarT或Magna3产品,项目真实,且符合产品应用创新标准 The entries compete for this award should be the first application of the TT and Magna3 in the specific real systems or buildings. |
格兰富最佳产品设计奖 Grundfos’ best system designers |
1名奖励价值20,000元奖品 1winner, can win 20,000 yuan prize or souvenir and Grundfos best system annul designer title. |
参赛项目真实,且满足2.5节评审标准所有要求。 The entries compete for this award should consider all the requirements mentioned in the section 2.5 above. The most matched project can win this prize. All the entries should be the real projects. |
2.应用经销商组 Dealers |
奖项Awards |
奖品Prizes |
评分要求 Requirements in products |
格兰富碳节能应用奖 Grundfos energy saving dealers |
10名奖励价值1000元奖品 10 winners each one can win 1000yuan prize or souvenir and the Grundfos title of energy saving. |
参赛项目真实,严格遵从评审要求,所设计系统内必须包含ThermosmarT机组3套或Magna3产品6套以上。 The entries provided by the participated dealers should apply the at least 3 units TTs or 6 units of Magna3 in each of their high energy efficiency matched well project can win the prize. |
格兰富最佳应用奖 Grundfos’ best application dealers |
5名奖励价值5000元奖品/名 5 winners, each one can win 5000yuan prize or souvenir, and Grundfos honor titles at the same time.
参赛项目真实,严格遵从评审要求,所设计系统内必须包含ThermosmarT机组5套或Magna3产品10套以上。 The applicants need to apply at least 5 units of TT or 10 units of Magna3 in each of their participated project. |
格兰富最佳产品营销奖 Grundfos’ best marketing dealers |
1名奖励价值20,000元奖品 1 winner can get 20,000yuan prize or souvenir and best marketing title. |
参赛项目真实,严格遵从评审要求,所设计系统内必须包含ThermosmarT机组10套或Magna3产品20以上,或者全年累计项目20套ThermosmarT。该奖励不重复累计,以实现最高销售套数为准。 The applicants need to apply at least 10 units of TT or 20 Magna3s in each of their participated project. Or they can realize at least cum. 20 units of TT within the contest period. |
3.应用企业组The project owner team |
奖项Awards |
奖品Prizes |
评分要求Requirements in products. |
格兰富碳足迹奖 Grundfos Carbon Footprint Awards |
10名奖励价值1000元奖品 10winners each one can win 1000yuan prize or souvenir and Grundfos titles. |
参赛项目真实,严格遵从评审要求,所设计系统内必须包含ThermosmarT机组3套或Magna3产品6套以上。 All the entries should match the high energy efficiency and low carbon emission requirements, and each of their participated project should contain at least 3 units of TT or 6 units of Magna3. |
格兰富最佳创新应用奖 Grundfos Best Innovation Project Awards |
5名奖励价值5000奖品/名 5 winners each get 5000yuan prize or souvenir and Grundfos honored titles. |
参赛项目真实,严格遵从评审要求,所设计系统内必须包含ThermosmarT机组5套或Magna3产品10套以上。 All the applicants should match the innovation requirements mentioned in section 2.5. And the participated projects should apply at least 5 units of TT or 6 Magna3s in each participated project. |
格兰富最佳产品实践奖 Grundfos Best Practice Project Award |
1名奖励价值20,000元奖品 1 winner can win 20,000 prize or souvenir and Grundfos honored title. |
参赛项目真实,严格遵从评审要求,所设计系统内必须包含ThermosmarT机组10套或Magna3产品20以上,或者全年累计项目20套ThermosmarT。该奖励不重复累计,以实现最高销售套数为准。 The applicants should match the all the requirements mentioned in section 2.5 well, and in each project should apply at least 10units TT or 20 units Magna3, or the cum. units can reach 20 units TT in the contest period. |
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ThermosmarT混水机组 | Magna3水泵设备 |
为了感谢集中供热、暖通空调行业新老客户对格兰富公司的支持,2014年度我们特别推出了ThermsmarT混水机组和Magna3水泵 50套成本价促销活动,仅有50套,先到先得,机会难得,活动截止日期2014年12月31日。如果采购数量达到一定数额,并且项目具有示范作用,也可同时申请参加首届格兰富区域能源新产品应用大赛。
1. 集中供热、暖通空调行业新老客户可联系格兰富各地授权经销商或格兰富区域能源销售人员,或直接把项目需求或订单发到decompetition-cn@grundfos.com,最终在活动期限内在格兰富订单系统中形成订单并完成付款。
2. 促销活动提供ThermsmarT混水机组(机组内安装Magna3水泵的不计入Magna3水泵促销活动)和Magna3水泵各50套,具体设备选型可联系格兰富相关技术人员,先到先得,所有数据以格兰富订单和付款系统数据为准。
3. 此次成本价格促销活动仅限2014年12月31日前,而且仅50套,超过此套数的新产品价格恢复到正常的格兰富产品价格。
4. 单一客户或项目,采购ThermosmarT机组或Magna3水泵10套以上的,可另外免费赠送一套ThermosmarT机组或Magna3水泵。
5. 促销活动对象包括,北方主要城市的热力公司或热力工程公司,大型暖通空调系统运营单位或物业管理公司,区域能源运营公司等采购并使用ThermosmarT混水机组和Magna3水泵设备的业主单位。