Special Issue of Renewable Energy On Sustainable energy utilization in cold climate zone

Aim and Scope
Energy efficiency and savings of rural areaCutting down the vast conventional energy consumption for heating ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) in cold climate is of great importance to the sustainable development of the area. Reduction of HVAC system load is the fundamental approach to the building sustainability. So technologies on zero energy building in cold climate deserve enough attention and need collaborative efforts from related disciplines as well. Renewable energy utilization is always the research focus in any energy related system in sustainable development regards. And such technologies as system energy efficiency enhancement and ventilation and heat recovery would also contribute to the building sustainability in cold climate.

In order to evaluate the energy efficiency or the energy-saving effect of the building energy systems, building simulation is believed to be a more efficient way since field experiments are rarelyeconomically favorable in actual projects. Polices, which are often the reflection of the current technologies and economic status, should also take its stimulus role in implementing those established research results.

This Special Issue of Renewable Energy (ISSN: 0960-1481, IF: 3.361) aims to exchange innovative
ideas and promote the research related on the renewable energy utilization technology or policy in
heating ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) field in cold climate.

Topics of interest
Energy efficiency and savings of Sustainable buildings
Zero energy building
Heating technology and policy
Usage of renewable energy
Ventilation and heat recovery
Heat pump technology
Building simulation
Energy efficiency and savings of rural area

Time schedule
口 Full paper submission deadline Mar. 15, 2015
口 Reviews by May 1, 2015
口 Revision by Jun. 1, 2015
口Final decision by Jun. 15, 2015
口 Publication Aug. , 2015

Manuscripts must be prepared according to the instructions of the "Author Information Pack" of the journal, available at Papers incorrectly formatted will be returned without review.

Papers must be submitted through Elsevier’s journal website: The submission system for this special issue will open in January 2015. Authors must select this “SI:CCHVAC2015” when asked by the online system “Please Select an Article Type”. Submitted papers will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. The submission of a manuscript implies that it is the authors' original unpublished work and is not being submitted for possible publication elsewhere.

This Special Issue is an activity of the 8th International Cold Climate HVAC Conference 2015, At least one author of each submitted paper should register and
attend the conference.