China’s objective to reduce energy intensity by 20% from 2006 to 2010 under the 11th Five-Year Plan is remarkably similar to the one of the Energy and Climate Package adopted by the European Union. Energy efficiency is indeed at the core of the high-level dialogue on energy between China and the European Union, and a priority for EU-China cooperation.
The similarity of the challenges we face, and of the objectives we set for ourselves, offers genuine opportunities for ambitious joint projects on energy efficiency and energy saving, e.g. under the ongoing 7th Research Framework Programme, or the EU-China Partnership on Climate Change. Beyond these successful programmes, our cooperation will now be taken one step further, through the creation of permanent and self-sustainable institutions to serve as platforms for EU-China exchanges in the energy field.
I would like to congratulate the organizers of this seminar, which will undoubtedly enable fruitful discussions between European and Chinese experts and participants on this very timely topic.
Ambassador Serge Abou, Head of Delegation,
Delegation of the European Union in China
  中国在“十一五”(从2006年到2010年)期间将能源强度降低20%的目标与欧洲联盟通过的一项能源环境一揽子计划非常类似。 能源效率确实是中国与欧盟高层对话的核心,而且在欧中合作中处于优先位置。
  我们面临的挑战和我们所确定的目标的相似性,为我们在能源效率和节能方面开展大胆的合作提供了真正的机会,例如正在实施的第七个研究框架项目,或欧盟-中国气候变化伙伴关系。在这些成功方案之外,通过建立长期的能够自我维持的机构作为欧盟-中国在能源领域交流的服务平台,将使我们今后合作更进一步。   我谨祝贺本次研讨会的组织者,这次研讨会将无疑能够使欧洲与中国专家以及与会者对这一热点话题进行富有成效的讨论。